
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 8


Class 5 during science week have been experimenting to find out what keeps animals warm. We created and took part in an experiment. We simulated different types of animal skins. We dipped our hands covered in different materials into iced water to see how long it would take to feel the cold. First we tried our bare skin. then to simulate animal skin we put two rubber gloves on. To simulate fur we blow the outside glove up and sealed the layer of air and finally to simulate blubber we smeared a layer of lard between our two gloves.


Have a look at the videos below showing each stage of the experiment.

bare hands.MOV

Still image for this video

double gloves.MOV

Still image for this video

air between the gloves.MOV

Still image for this video

smearing lard.MOV

Still image for this video

layer of lard 1.MOV

Still image for this video

layer of lard 2.MOV

Still image for this video

Week 8


Class 5 have been taking part in Science week this week. We have looked at different fields of Science and have taken part in some experiments. We have looked in detail at the biology and characteristics of animal groupings. We have determined how animals are classified and created a flow chart to help us determine the animals classification. We then used this idea to help create a flow chart for everyone on our table to find our own unique classifications.


We have also looked at a tiny piece of sports science. We decided to find out if a lower resting heart rate made people faster or fitter. We made our prediction at the beginning then recorded our resting heartrate in bpm. We then ran 5 laps of the playground and created a scatter graph to show the results.


We have also looked at computer science and investigated how animation are created. We used the ipad to create our own animations.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Week 7


This week class 5 visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We had an amazing time we saw lots of different animals and even got to pet some wallabies. We completed a workshop on polar bears for our topic and learnt lots of amazing facts before we spent a lot of time seeing the polar bears playing in their enclosures.

Week 6


Class 5 have been working on composing their own pieces of music. They have been looking at my heart will go on and the arrangement of the song. They used the xylophone to play along with the music before composing our own.

Week 5
Class 5 have been looking at the glorious Northern Lights this week in our Frozen Kingdom. We looked at lots of different pictures taken of the lights from the different areas inside the Arctic circle. Using watercolours we decided to paint out own Northern Lights over the snowy mountains of the Frozen Kingdom.
Week 4
Class 5 have been working on their calculation skills this week in Maths. We have worked especially on using the column method for 3 by 3 digit multiplication as well as using the bus stop method. In year 6 we are now confident enough to follow our bus stop method through the decimal point to find the correct answer and do not need to worry about remainders any more. We have all worked really hard all week in Maths and Mr. Morrison is really proud of our work.
Week 3
Class 5 and Mrs Guest have been working hard to turn our classroom into the Frozen Kingdom from our topic. We want to thank everyone for their milk bottle donations please keep them coming. We have started to create our igloo it looks fantastic so far.
Week 2
Class 5 have been looking at scene descriptions this week. We worked hard to use our senses to try and place ourselves in the characters shoes. We then added similes, metaphors and personification to extend our descriptions.
Week 1
Class 5 have made a fantastic start in their most important year at St. Helens. Everyone has returned full of energy and have produced some excellent pieces of work from Wednesday morning. In maths we were looking at place value. We looked at numbers up to 10,00,00. We had to try and trick our partners by reading difficult numbers out and seeing if we matched the number that they had. We got great practice at reading, writing and copying these difficult numbers.
One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.