
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 1

Week 6

This week we had our Parents afternoon session. We made story props (story boxes,wands,swords and crowns ). We even had a version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff which had a helicopter for Baby Billy Goat Gruff! 


For other "Cultures Week", we focused on Africa. We learnt some  children's songs  and dances and made Chakalaka (a traditional food from Southern Africa). We sang one of our songs during our whole school Assembly.

What a lovely term we have had. we look forward to learning more new and exciting things after the half term.

African Songs

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Other Cultures Week-Africa

All about Africa-Traditional wear

African songs

Still image for this video

Week 5

We launched our new topic "Splendid Skies" on Monday. We went on a 'Nature's Treasures' walk in the woods and around our school grounds making observations of the weather and its effects on the environment.We compared the state of trees in winter to what they look like during different seasons. We look forward to exploring this topic and learning about different weather patterns.

Week 4

This week we read a story called "Jim and the Beanstalk ". We received a letter from the Giant asking for help on how to be a good friend. We wrote letters back and also enjoyed making our own castles.

We celebrated the end of our "Will you read me a story?" topic by coming into school in our pyjamas. We brought our favourite bedtime story books and cuddly toys. 

Week 3

This week we were reading the story of " Jack and the beanstalk ". We made castles and re-enacted the story.

We also decorated shoes inspired by " The Elves and the shoemaker " story.

Father Declan also visited class 1 children and talked to us about the role of the church in celebrations.

Visit from Father Declan

Jack and the Beanstalk

Week 2

This week we visited Hoyland Library to support our topic work. We read some books and explored the different activities that are offered at the library.We also borrowed some books which we were allowed to take home.

In literacy we were learning about writing instructions.  We followed instructions to make porridge.

In R.E we were learning about different celebrations.We brought pictures from home and talked about the celebrations we have been a part of.

In P.E, we took part in a range  timed challenges. What a busy week it has been.

Week 1

We have had a good start to the new year. We  enjoyed watching a Pantomime with the rest of the school(Cinderella) at the beginning of the week.  In Maths we were learning about time. In literacy and topic, we were learning about 'Goldilocks and The Three Bears'. We also enjoyed learning outdoors.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.