
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 6

In our Science lessons we have been learning about Seasonal Changes. This week we went on an Autumn walk! We looked around our outdoor areas to find signs of Autumn. We even saw a squirrel collecting food for winter! 

Week 5 

This week we have been printing in our Art lesson. We have made our own stamp using lollypop sticks and printed our stamp using rollers and black paint. In our History topic we have enjoyed looking at the timelines children have been making with their families at home. 

Week 4 

This week our story has been Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. Class 1 has loved this story! We have read it everyday and even know some favourite phases: 


'I want my Mummy!" said Bill 

All owls think a lot! 


You can watch the YouTube animation below with your child and enjoy the story at home! 

Owl Babies Picture Book Animation

Uploaded by Wendy Stafford on 2015-08-26.

Week 3  

In our Art lessons we have been learning how to print. Lots of us have really enjoyed colour mixing and printing Lego patterns. 

Week 2  

This week we have been exploring provision and getting to know our new children. We have been learning how to use our creative area, be safe in our classroom and learning each others names! Our Year 1s have been learning how to group objects in their Maths lessons. 

Week 1 

This week we have welcomed our new Foundation children to Class 1. We have also welcomed some of our Year 1 children back to Class 1. We have had a busy week settling into our new class and getting to know our new friends. 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.