
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School


Class 4 child led worship.

The theme was Building Bridges to strengthen friendships.

June's Virtue is Honesty

Faith in Action children led a beautiful Assembly dedicated to Mary, Our Lady in preparation for May and the Travelling Mary Prayer Bags.

Class 4's Last Supper Assembly

Stations of the Cross Tues 4th April

Class 5 read all the prayers at the 14 Stations of the Cross today.

The Stations of the Cross is a form of prayer used traditionally in Lent. Each of the 14 Stations retells part of Jesus' Passion (his suffering and death) through images and words. These Stations of the Cross introduce children to Jesus' Passion, breaking it down into stages that they can reflect upon and remember.

Palm Sunday Mon 3rd April 2023

Class 2 shared our Palm Sunday assembly with their parents and carers with the help of Class 1 to help us sing our hymns. 


We shared readings, bidding prayers and dramas on the events of Palm Sunday and a drama on Jesus and a modern day superstar showing the character of Jesus. 


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Travelling Cross Bags, Lent 2023

Lent brings the tradition of sending home the Travelling Cross bags.

Our children can share the Easter story at home, read the prayer and listen to the Scripture. There are some simple reflections to complete in the workbook in the bags and all the coloured crosses will be displayed in each classroom. 


Our Virtuous Superstars for "Living Simply".

Our Faith in Action Group lead worship with our younger children.

Advent in Class 4

Faith In Action children making the Advent Wreaths for each class.

Faith In Action Group 22.11.2022

Our Faith In Action volunteers completed their final reflection with Mrs Reynolds, Chaplain to our school.

This week, they will also be preparing to lead the Christingle Liturgical Prayer Service in school.

Virtue : Hope 

starting Monday 14th November

Harvest Festival 8.11.22

Our Faith In Action group led the school in a wonderful celebration of Harvest. They all did an amazing job and we are very proud of them.

Virtue to live by: Thankfulness

You show you are grateful for all that you have.
You are grateful for all the people you know and all the things that happen around you each day.
You grow in wonder about the world and see the world and your life as a gift from God. You accept
the gifts you have and use your gifts to benefit others. Being thankful helps you to be generous to

Virtuous Superstars; children who have shown their thankfulness in school.

Worship leaders praying with Class 2

Class 4's Worship Team plan and deliver prayer with our younger children who really enjoy these sessions.

 "Virtuous Superstars" ; children who have shown Respect and Courtesy to others in school.

w/e 9th September 2022

The children and staff of St. Helen's Catholic Primary School join the Nation in offering prayers and condolences for the soul of Her Majesty the Queen.

Compressed Tribute

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Virtue To Live By:

Respect and Coutesy

You treat others people as you would like to be treated.
You treat people with courtesy and kindness not because of who they are or what they have done,
but because, like you, they have a God-given dignity. You respect yourself so that you have the
confidence to be yourself and not give in to things you know are wrong or not to give in to those
who want you to do things you don’t want to do. You show respect for creation through your care
for nature.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.