Week 7
Our last week of this half term has been full of fun! Our assembly went really well and the children really loved performing in front of so many of our grown-ups and the rest of the school. We will all remember "On the Ning Nang Nong" for a long time to come!
We all went to church for mass and I was extremely proud of Class 1. They sat and listened so well and sang beautifully- well done. Have a lovely half term holiday 😃
Week 6
We have had a busy week getting ready for our assembly, working hard to learn their words.
In literacy we have been learning our poem - "On the Ning Nang Nong" and also how to count and clap syllables in words.
In maths we have been adding, learning odd and even numbers and finding 1/2 and 1/4.
We have been talking about e-safety and how to keep safe online. Look at the website we have been using with the children : https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk
On Friday we had our "Spanish day" which was fantastic! Enjoy the photos 😃
Week 5
The weeks are going so quickly this term and here we are in February! We are loving our topic "what's that sound?" and have been reading "Peace at last" by Jill Murphy for Literacy this week. The children have been sequencing the story and writing their own sentences.
In Maths we have been looking at patterns of numbers up to 100 and adding using a number line.
🎶The highlight of our week was our parent session. So many of our parents and grandparents joined us on Thursday armed with boxes, tubes, tape, and ingenious ideas galore!!! It was wonderful to see everyone having a fabulous time with the children and making some fantastic instruments. The children will be showing these off to the rest of the school in our Class assembly on Tuesday 14th Feb. A huge thank you to all those who took part😃
Week 4
We are loving our Tuesday P.E. Lessons with Mr.Johnson. We have been running, hopping, skipping, galloping and jumping in different directions and keeping very fit! Every week Mr Johnson chooses P.E. Stars. This week it was Archie and Evie- well done!
Week 3
We started our new topic "What's that sound?" with a listening walk around school. There were lots of different sounds that we could write on our lists, somebody even heard "Mr. Thorpe snoring" in his office!😂
We have been been using words that describe sounds called onomatopoeia eg. BANG! POP! POW! These words make our sentences exciting.
We have been finding out about different instruments and have started thinking about the things we might need to collect ready for making our own instruments with our grown ups during our parent session on Thursday 2nd Feb.
Week 2
We have had such an exciting week in Class 1! On Monday we all got packets of magic beans from Jack. We followed the instructions on the packet and planted them. The following morning when we arrived at school you will never believe what had happened- where we had planted our magic beans, lollipops had grown!!!!
We we printed off lots of photos and wrote some super sentences about our fun experience.
We have all loved our topic "Read me a story" and we are now looking forward to starting our new topic next week- "What's that sound?"
Week 1
Happy New Year!
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and are excited for a new term at school. It has been wonderful to see the children back in school this week . We are thinking about Winter in Class 1 and will be reading some Winter poems and doing Winter artwork. In Maths we have been looking at number words and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. In Literacy we are thinking about how to make our writing more exciting by using special wow words called adjectives. Lots of children are doing really well with reading, writing and learning the words that they bring home which is helping them in school. We are looking forward to another busy term which will include new topics, parent sessions and another class assembly. Dates of these to follow shortly.