Week 4
This week we have been exploring powder paints in our art topic. We have been mixing the powder painting and making different colours. We have been exploring how we can create different brush strokes with different sized brushes.
Our story of the week this week is 'The Rainbow' Fish by Marcus Pfister. We know this story really well. Can your child answer these questions about the story:
Week 3
Our story this week has been Elmer by David McKee. We have read the story everyday - we know it so well we can join in with reading the story. We have also been learning the meaning of the vocabulary in the story. The words / phrases we have learnt this week are:
slipped away
Can your child remember these words and talk about them at home?
We have also been very busy in Maths, working on our counting, and in literacy we have been creating story maps of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Week 2
In Maths our foundation children have been carrying out surveys to find out what our favourite fruit is in Class 1. We used our phonics to help write our surveys and then went around the class to ask our friends what their favourite fruit is. We then came back together to talk about what we found out. Class 1's favourite fruit is strawberries!
Week 1
In our science lesson we have began an investigation to find out what plants need to grow. We have started to grow some cress. One pot of cress we will look after and make sure it has water, soil and sunlight. One pot will have no soil. One pot will have no sunlight. One pot will have no water. We are going to watch our cress seeds to see what happens and find out if they grow.