
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 2

Week 6: Class 3 enjoyed a trip to Austerfield Learning Centre last Friday. They learnt all about how rivers are created and even discovered some mini-beasts that live in habitats close to water.

Week 5: Check out the Recorders page on the Class 3 home page for videos and pictures of our KS2 Music Festival

Week 4: Massive thank you to all our parents for coming for our parent session. Class 3 made clay models of rivers to demonstrate what they have learnt so far about how rivers are formed and the varying features. We aim to paint these next week!

Week 3: Class 3 have been learning about fractions of a turn around a point. We have brought together our knowledge of fractions (halves and quarters), types of lines (perpendicular) and knowledge of right angles, to describe position, rotation and direction!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Week 2: Within our new topic Flow, we are learning all about rivers. Class 3 have looked at the features of a river, and this week conducted an investigation to understand how rivers are formed through erosion. They created 'mountains' from sand, soil and rocks, then poured water from the top to simulate streams eroding the earth as they travel down to form rivers.

Week 1: This week, Class 3 have been learning about choices and consequences as part of their new RE topic. Here they acted out a common story to understand the character's feelings at the moments that choices were made.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.