Week beginning November 30th
We have all helped to make our Advent wreath this week. We have talked about how it feels to wait and how, 2000 years ago people were waiting for Jesus to be born.
Week beginning November 23rd
We have begun practising the songs for our Class 2 nativity. This is going to be a bit different to what we usually do because we are not able to have a live audience. The children benefit so much from doing this though, so we will be preparing and recording a short nativity so that parents and grandparents can enjoy it too.
Please help your child to learn their song words, and if they have lines to learn, please help them to practise these too. Thank you.
Week beginning November 16th
Our maths topic is addition and subtraction. We have been using different methods for adding numbers this week including tens frames (Year 1s) and diennes (Year 2s). We have also all practised using a number line.
Week beginning November 9th
Our science topic this term has been "How does it move?" In our science lesson this week we were learning about gravity. We made our own parachutes to test how the parachute slows down the pull of gravity.
Week beginning November 2nd
This week as part of our RE Topic on "Belonging", we have been learning about baptism. We had a "mock baptism" in our classroom complete with parents and God parents!