Week 3
Week 3 has certainly been a busy one!! We started the week finishing off our biography writing and starting our maths unit all about algebra. On Wednesday, some of us then went off to PGL for an adventure! We took LOADS of photos so they're all on a separate page - once all the photos are uploaded, you'll find it at the top of our Class 5 homepage!
Week 2
Week 2 was another week that was full of fun in Class 5! The Bikeability team helped us out with how to ride our bikes safely. Sessions started on our school playground and children that passed level 1 then learnt how to ride safely on the roads! Well done, Year 6!!
In between the cycling fun, we started creating Yearbooks full of memories from primary school. We also carried on with our writing unit all about biographies and our maths learning, linked to pie charts and line graphs!
Week 1
We had an exciting return to school this half term with our parent session! Saws, glue guns, wood and other materials were used to create our model playgrounds for our DT project.
It was fantastic to see so many people there and we got through the afternoon with all limbs intact - well done all!