Week 8 (WC 23.10.23)
This week in RE we have begun a new topic all about the commitments that are made during a Baptism. We talked about the promises that the parents and god parents make and that they need to serve God faithfully. In Music we have been learning and practicing different chords and songs.
Week 7 (WB 16/10/23)
In science this week we continued to look at forces. We have already explored contact forces, and today we looked at non-contact forces including magnetism. We learnt about magnetic fields, and then we tested a range of materials to classify them into magnetic and non-magnetic. We used our prediction skills.
Week 6 (WC 9.10.23)
In PE this week we have been developing our catching skills using one and two hands. We also looked at the speed in which we pass the ball. Well done to the entire class who performed brilliantly at our assembly, your speaking and singing skills were amazing!
Week 5 (WC 02.10.23)
This week in literacy we have been celebrating National Poetry day. We began the day by learning about and writing acrostic poems all about autumn. Then we were able to watch the World Premier of a short film all about poems! The film was written by Mr Dilly and featured the poetry of Zaro Weil.
Week 4 (WC 25.09.23)
This week in RE we have been learning about the vision God has within our family home. We created an recipe for an ideal family and we talked about what makes a happy home. In PE we have been improving our throwing skills using a variety of different size balls. Our class reading selfie board is looking amazing, thank you for sharing these books with us!
Week 3 (WC 18.09.23)
This week in PE we have been looking at our fitness. We have tried our Stork Balance, our 30 metre sprint and also our Chest Throw! We are going to practise over the next few weeks and then have another go to see if we can improve.
Week 2 (WC 11.09.23)
This week we were using manipulatives to help us with our Number and Place Value in Maths. We made three and four digit numbers using Base 10 and place value counters. We had a race to see which pair could make it first, then we learnt to draw and write our numbers,
Week 1 (WC 06.09.23)
Well done class 3 what a fantastic start you have all made to the new school year. This week we have been developing our catching skills in PE by learning how to track the ball with our eyes and applying the ready position with our feet.
In literacy we have begun reading a new book called ' The First Drawing' which is all about life in the Stone Age.