
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 7 - Anderson Shelters

Week 7

This week the children have worked incredibly hard to create some fact leaflets about the Holocaust and Anne Frank.  They then learnt about the different air raid shelters during WWII.  The children then designed and made their own Anderson Shelter.

Well done Class 4

Week 6

This week the children have worked really hard to complete all of their assessments for assessment week.  They have also learnt about magnets and they work, made gingerbread biscuits, decorated Christmas eve plates and created a Christingle.  Wow - what a week!

Week 5 Inspiration trays for writing a setting description using our 5 senses

Week 3


This week the children finished writing a setting description in the role of an evacuee during WWII. This was based around leaving gloomy, decimated war torn London. This week we began planning to write a contrasting description based on arriving in Devon and seeing the ocean and feeling sand for the first time.  To do this we used inspiration trays filled with flotsam. 

Week 2 - A nice bit of healthy competition, designing and making boats and then testing there water resistance, buoyancy and gravity

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Week 2 - Testing Water resistance, buoyancy and gravity

Still image for this video

Week 2 - Testing Water resistance, buoyancy and gravity

Still image for this video

Week 2 - Testing Water resistance, buoyancy and gravity

Still image for this video

Week 1


This week Class 4 began their new topic of WWII.  We have kept the same topic question of 'Have houses always had windows and doors' and will continue to discuss this through the next half term.  As part of our  learning, we have looked at the Treaty of Versailles, the children learnt that its four main points can be remembered via the acronym L.A.M.B = Land, Army, Money and Blame.  The children enjoyed discovering key points of the Treaty such as Germany being made to pay £6600million back on repartitions.  they also discovered that German were limited in the numbers of soldiers they were allowed and the types of forces they could have.  

Meanwhile, we have also begun reading 'Letters from the Lighthouse' by Emma Carroll, the children have loved the first few chapters in guided reading and have begun preparing to write a setting description centred around evacuees leaving London on the train to the countryside.

In ICT the children loved their quiz on copying and Plagiarism - with the girls beating the boys 10 - 7.  

Well done Class 4!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.