
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Class 1

Welcome to Class 1


A warm welcome to Class 1's website page. Class 1 is always a hive of activity, we love to be busy! We are always busy learning through play, in a caring and loving environment. We also enjoy coming together as a class to share stories and talk about lots of different things. Below is some key information for Class 1. 


Staff in Class 1 

Miss Olive is our Class 1 teacher. 

Mrs Cowling in our Class 1 teaching assistant. 

Mrs McKenzie is our Class 1 teaching assistant. 

Mrs Moore is our HLTA who joins Class 1 every Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. 



PE is Wednesday's with Mr Johnson, our Active Fusion teacher. Children are welcome to bring their PE kit on Monday and take them home on Friday.



Homework will be set for children on Purple Mash. Homework is set every week on Purple Mash. We use the Read Write Inc. virtual classroom videos for our homework. Year 1 children have a writing book in their reading folder to complete their spellings lessons in. 


Reading at Home 

Reading files are sent home every Friday and must be returned to school every Wednesday with your child's reading record. 

Year 1 - bring home two reading books every week.

FS2 - bring home one Sound Blending book every week. 



Our topic this term is Geography. Our topic question is 'Where do we live?'. We will be exploring our local area before learning about the United Kingdom. 


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.