
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

Week 5

W.B 11.7.22

Class 1 went on their first trip this week and they were amazing. They fully participated in the different activities and were so well behaved while exploring Cooper Gallery and Barnsley Museum.What a great way to consolidate our learning from our Portrait art topic.

Week 4

W.B 4.7.22

This week  Class 1 participated in sporting activities for our Sports Day. It was lovely to see them cheer their friends on and show good Sportsmanship.

We also enjoyed transition days where we welcomed some new children to our school and some children from our class met their new teacher and came back with lovely stories to tell. 

Week 3

W.B 27.6.22

This week we enjoyed participating in different sports activities at the EIS in Sheffield. 

Week 2

W.B 20.6.22

This week we enjoyed  the surprise (watching birds of prey).We also wrote letters to Mrs Wray asking her to buy caterpillars  for Class 1.Mrs Wray was so impressed with our writing and we actually got  five caterpillars delivered to our Class.We are looking forward to watching them become butterflies.

Week 1

W.B 13.6.22

This week we have enjoyed P.E outside.The weather was warm so we  also enjoyed exploring our outdoor area.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.