
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 8

This week has been science week in school and we have been experimenting and finding out about changes in state and performing simple tests.  On Monday our parents came into school and helped us to carry out 4 different experiments. It was a bit messy but lots of fun!


We have read the story 'Do you want to be my friend?' by Eric Carle and thought of reasons why the animals didn't want to be friends with the mouse.


We have been learning about baptism and how we welcome a new baby, the children had lots of fun taking on roles and acting out our own baptism in class. 

Week 7

We have been going addition crazy in Class 1 this week! We have used lego, conkers, bears and anything else that we can add together.  


We have read pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been? Then we changed the words and made up our own poem called country mouse, country mouse, where have you been?


Class 1 are now experts in hibernation and we have been learning all about animals that hibernate, how they hibernate and why.  


Week 6

This week we have read the story of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.  We have enjoyed using the story in drama to act out the story and the children were fantastic!

In maths we have started to learn about simple addition and have spent lots of time collecting two groups of objects and adding them together.  

As part of our topic we have talking about things that are special to us and on Monday children brought in a special item from home which they then told the rest of the class about.  It was lovely to hear about our favourite things and why they are so special.  

Week 5

Our story this week has been Colin and Lee Carrot and Pea.  It looks at friendship and the differences between us. 

In maths we have continued to explore counting a correct number of objects and have enjoyed finding numbers that were missing from number lines. 

We are still curious about the areas of our classroom and have just opened a new vets and airport!!

Week 4

Our story this week has been Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.  We have loved creating our own story using the characters and ice blocks to replicate the south pole.  The children have used stick puppets to rehearse and perform the story using the puppet show.  

In maths we have been focusing on counting on or back within 10 from a given number and matching a number of objects to the correct numeral.  We have spent lots of time practising number and letter formation this week.  


Week 3

This week we have continued to learn about the people that help us in and around school and have looked at objects that those people may use.  

In phonics we have been practising initial sounds in FS2 and Y1 children have been continuing to build up their knowledge of digraphs.  


In maths we have been counting objects and matching the amounts to numerals.


We love buddy time with our buddies from class 5 and this week they have been helping us to code using apps on the ipads.  



Week 2

This week we have been talking about stranger danger and how to keep safe when we are out with our grown-ups and what we should do if we got lost. 

We have also been on a walk around school to meet some of the people that help us with things in school.

On Friday we met our new buddies from Class 5 and spent time getting to know them and playing with them, it was lots of fun!

Week 1

We have had a great first week in Class 1. All the children have made new friends and have been very kind to one another. We have spent the week exploring all the different areas of provision and learning about about our class and wider school rules. 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.