Week 5
A huge well done to our swimmers who are working incredibly hard and are making fabulous progress.
Also, well done to all in Class 4 for their excellent effort in writing persuasive letters and PEE'ing in their books this week. The persuasive letters focused on writing a P = point, E = evidence and E = explanation for arguments to encourage Percy to complete a quest to save the world. The children worked really hard and wrote some excellent persuasive arguments in favour of the quest based on what they had learnt from the novel.
The children will develop this knowledge further next half term when they began to write a balanced discussion.
Well done Class 4!
Week 4
What an amazing week, I am super proud of Class 4. They have spent the last couple of weeks learning about genres and characters, designing a character and then writing their own chapter in the Percy Jackson saga.
The children used some incredible sentences starters and wonderful descriptions. I can't wait for you all to hear them.
Class 4 are also looking forward to beginning swimming lessons next week for the next 15 weeks. In PE, there football skills have really developed and they are passing and stopping the ball really well.
Well done Class 4!
Week 3
What a brilliant week, the children have examined different styles of tables and graphs in maths, looked at statistics using line graphs as well as continued to solve problems using solvemoji and their daily arithmetic questions.
In PE the children continued to develop their football skills. In Literacy we have developed our understanding of narratives and the origins of stories. We have examined story types and genres and planned the next chapter of our Percy Jackson story ready to write next week.
In History, we have discovered Lindisfarne and written either a double page spread or newspaper report to share our research and facts.
Finally, in Science we have begun our new topic of living things and learnt about what organisms are and classified them.
Well done Class 4!
Week 2
What an amazing start to the week! The children had an amazing morning experiencing the life and times of Vikings through a virtual reality experience. Children discovered Dragon or Viking Longships, The Great Hall were people would eat, how Viking sagas were told and looked at maps of were the Vikings journeyed to and from.
What an amazing experience and the children were brilliant.
Week 1
What a brilliant start to the term, Class 4 have settled well and spent time completing their wooden truss bridges. They have also completed double page spreads on Death Valley in California as well as continuing with there measure topic.
Great start to the term.