Week 5
As part of mental Health week, the children had an assembly and a session with leaders from the NSPCC. The session included children understanding who trusted adults are, who they can speak to if they have worries or concerns and what to do in different situations.
The children really enjoyed the day!
Week 4
This week children have learnt about the D-Day landings and the bombings at Pearl Harbor that triggered the entry of America into WW2.
In computing the children are currently studying animation whilst in math's we are coming to the end of our fractions to decimals work and the children have worked really hard in this area.
Well done Class 4!
Week 3
Brilliant work this week from Class 4. We have continued our understanding of decimals and fractions, whilst also carrying out research into the major 3 allied powers of WW2 and the major axis power. Children have also completed reading comprehension linked to the novel 'Goodnight Mr Tom', as well as finalising newspaper reports about evacuees coming to Goldthorpe.
Well done Class 4!
Week 1
This week we began our new History topic of WW2. We have studied how the war began and the major axis of powers involved. We also began our new novel "Goodnight Mr Tom" which the children are really enjoying. As part of our art work, we have looked at how to develop a Banksy image of the pigeons. The children worked really hard and we are super proud of them.