Welcome back everyone! As we move into our final Summer term, our new topic is all about the Seaside. We will be looking at some of the places you can go on holiday and would love to see some of your holiday photographs.
Week 4 - 1st July
This week our core story is called "Winnie and Wilbur Under the Sea". in teh story Winnie goes to the beach. She goes for a swim and can see lots of beautiful fish. She goes on an underwater adventure with Wilbur and has lots of fun. After reading the story we talked about our experiences of swimming in the sea. We looked at some children's holiday photographs where they had swam in the sea and gone on a boat ride.
In Math this week we are singing one of our favourite songs, ten fat sausages. We have been counting out groups of objects and learning to combine two groups and recounting them to find the total. You can help me to practice this at home.
In Read Write Inc this week we are continuing to learn set 1 sounds. This week we are learning the sounds 'h' 'r' and 'j'. We like the little rhymes we learn for each letter sound. For example, when we write the letter 'h' we say, "Down the head to the hooves and over his back". We have also been trying hard to write our first names.
Week 3 - 24th June
This week we have loved listening to the story Tiddler, by one of our favourite author's Julia Donaldson. Tiddler is little fish that always tells lots of stories about going on adventures. One day he goes on a real adventure and all the other sea creatures hear about it. It has a great ending. use the link below to listen to the story.
In Math we have been learning to match the number to the correct amount of objects. We had to count carefully and make sure that we only get one object at a time.
In RE we are learning about reconciliation. We listened to Emily's liturgy on forgiveness. We discussed times when we have asked for forgiveness and how we can show each other we forgive them.
Week 2 - 17th June
Our nursery rhyme this week is "A sailor went to sea". Click the link and join in the song.
Our story this week was Peppa's Summer Holiday. We are getting very good at listening carefully to the story and talking about the main events. Watch the episode on YouTube using the link.
In our topic session we had lots of fun using the globe to find some of our holiday destinations. We found countries like, Spain, Poland and the continent of Africa. We used Google Earth to look more closely at the countries and what they look like. It was very interesting. One of the superheroes talked about her holiday Spain and the exciting things she did whilst on holiday. Some of our friends have bene to Poland to see family and friends.
Week 1 - 10th June
To start our new topic we read Topsy and Tim Go On Holiday by Jean and Gareth Adamson. We watched the video of Topsy and Tim going on a camping weekend too. Topsy and Tim have lots of fun on their holidays. Can you remember a holiday you have enjoyed? Can you tell someone all about it?
In Math we have been counting groups of objects. We are getting so confident that we are able to subitise - this is when you can look at a group of objects and say how many it has without having to count.
At the end of the half term we will all be taking part in Sport's Day. To make sure we are ready we have bene practicing running and jumping. We have completed bean bag races and obstacle courses. We can't wait for you to see how good we are. Don't worry, I'm sure there will be a parents race for you to join in with too!