
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

Week 7

A Julia Donaldson classic has been our focus this week- "Room on the Broom". We have enjoyed identifying the rhyming words and describing the characters. How many Julia Donaldson books can you think of? Do you have a favourite? Mine is "Stick Man" smiley Have a look at her website- there are lots of fun things to do on there!

Week 6


This week we have enjoyed reading the traditional tale 'The Little Red Hen'. The hen asked lots of animals to help her but she had to do all of the hard work herself. We've talked about how important it is to help other people and we've also remembered times when other people have helped us. 

We found out that there are lots of different versions of the story and we found similarities and differences between the different books. 

We've started finding out how to make bread and we're hoping that we'll be able to make some soon. 

Week 4

Little Red Hen was our story this week and we talked about how we should always help people whenever we can. We are hoping to make our own bread next week! In maths we have been consolidating some of the things we have been learning so far and making sure that we understand how numbers work. As Autumn is now here we have been trying on our wellies and making sure that we have a warm coat with us in school everyday. We love investigating and exploring the outdoors- whatever the weather!

Week 3

This week we have enjoyed the story of Goldilocks and the 3 bears and learned a song for the story too. 

We have been talking about our families and have loved looking at all of the photos you have been sending in. Lots of happy families smiley

The children are working so hard to remember new routines and have been amazing listeners and learners this week. New friendships are forming and we are showing how kind and caring we can be to everyone in our Class 1 familyheart

Week 2

We have loved PE this week with Mr Kynoch. The children have been trying so hard and listening beautifully. Some children have shown wonderful independence when getting undressed, changed and dressed Please, please, please make sure that your children can do this themselves as soon as possible. This is part of the Physical Development curriculum.



Welcome back!

It has been a truly wonderful first day back at school today! So many happy, smiling facessmiley All of the children settled in straight away this morning and have been so busy. Enjoy our first day photos.

Week 1

This has been our first week of full time school and the children have been superstars! We have been talking about our feelings. "The Colour Monster" is a story all about how we feel at different times and how we can help each other if someone is feeling sad or worried. Talk about your feelings and about what colour you think it might be. What different words can you think of for your feelings? We thought of lots! Follow the link below to listen to the story.


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.