
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 2

Week 6


We were very lucky this week to have our adults come into school and work with us to complete our D and T project. We worked really hard and completed some excellent apparatus to finish our playgrounds.

Week 5


We had a fantastic Science experiment this week. We were exploring whether the length of the wires will change how a bulb is lit. We had a fantastic time trying to prove  our predictions.


Week 4


Today we started your D and T project on building strucutres. We were able to use our school equipment and tools to work with wood to saw them to the size that we needed and use these to begin building the structures we want in our playgrounds.

Today we spent the day at Crucial crew. It was a fantastic and very important day which we enjoyed very much. We were able to go through different safety scenarios with members of South Yorkshire Police, fire and rescue and ambulance service.

Week 3


This week we started our brand new handwriting work. We began by writing our names in cursive then using the windows in the classroom to mirror our cursive writing. We had such a great time and can't wait to continue our handwriting lessons.

Week 2


This week in our first PE session of the half term we were introduced to Badminton. Unlike tennis badminton is a sport which requires slighter touches and not so much power. We were practicing staying on our toes and moving this week as well as our first attempts at controlling the shuttlecock.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.