Week 5
Thus week our core story was The Three Little Pigs. This has become one of our favourites so far. We loved joining in with the repeated phrases in the story. We retold the story in our own words using face masks and puppets. We build houses out of different materials in the construction area and then had fun blowing them down.
In Math we have sung the song “Ten in a bed”. We have practised our counting skills and become even more confident subitising groups of objects up to 6.
All of the children are really enjoying their time in nursery. They are getting on with each other and resolving any conflict in an appropriate manner. It is wonderful to see everyone enjoying all the different areas of provision with different friends.
Week 4
This week our core book is “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. We have enjoyed listening to different versions of the story and then we became authors to retell our very own version. It was lots of fun. We have used the small world to retell the story and made bears using the playdough.
In the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears the author describes some of the objects as hard and soft. We became super scientists and explored what this means. We had a selection of objects and had to categorise the objects into the sorting circle. We know that hard materials can not easily be bent, cut or stretched. Soft materials can be squashed, cut or bent. We decided which material we would use to make our very own chairs and beds.
This week we have continued to learn all about Chinese New Year. As part of our learning about this special festival we have created lanterns and tom tom drums. We had a very delicious snack time when we tried noodles. We all found them to be scrumptious and enjoyed an extra portion. We have enjoyed watching some traditional lion dances that occur throughout the celebrations. We learnt that these are a traditional symbol of good luck in Chinese culture. The lion dance is believed to usher in good luck and prosperity while driving away bad luck.
Week 3
This week our core book is "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" We loved listening to Mrs Blakemore reading the story with her funny voices. We retold the story using the puppets and face masks. Our favourite part of the story is when the Big Billy Goat Gruff headbutts the Troll in the air and he splashes in the water. What is your favourite part of the story?
In Math we have enjoyed singing the counting song 5 Little Ducks. We used the props to help us to sing the song and learn about the concept of taking away and the quantity getting smaller. Do you know the song? Click on the link to sing along.
We have enjoyed creating some simple repeating patterns using traditional Chinese objects.
Week 2
This week we are so pleased to welcome all of our new starters to Nursery. They have all settled into school life so well. Our focus for this week has been to get to know our new friends. We have played lots of games to encourage us to learn each others names. All the older children have been very kind and caring and helped show the children around and learn all about our wonderful nursery.
We have been teaching our new starters all about kind hands and sharing. Everyone knows our class moto "Choose it, use it and put it away" which helps to keep nursery a happy and safe place to be.
Week 1
Welcome back everyone and a very Happy New Year. We hope you have all enjoyed the Christmas break.
It has been lovely to see all the children back in Nursery and hear all about their Christmas celebrations. It sounds like you have all had a busy few weeks.
Our new topic this term is "Once upon a time.." Throughout the half term we will enjoy listening to lots of traditional stories. We will be using the story language to retell these stories when acting them out.