
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Summer 1

Week 5

We have had some special visitors this week from 'Gist' who  have been talking to the children about road safety. We leant all about staying staff on the road and even had chance to explore inside the cab of the vehicle. We got to see first hand the view from the driver’s seat as well as learning about stopping distances and driver blind spots.

Week 4

What a wonderful time we had a the Butterfly House!

Week 3

This week in RE our focus has been about the energy of the Holy Spirit. We made windmills and used the thesaurus to find words to describe the effects of wind and power. We then went onto likening this to the energy of the Holy Spirit.

Week 2

Year 4 have had a wonderful afternoon at St Pius this week, we have taken part in relay races, had a mini cricket tournament, learnt new hockey and tennis skills and tried balancing on various pieces of equipment. A very well done to you all!

Week 1

Class 3 has had a fantastic first week back after Easter. As part of our topic over the next two weeks we have been learning all about the features of newspapers. We have begun researching the Sheffield floods of 1864 and are nearly ready to start planning our writing.  

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.