
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 2

Week 6 - DT textiles - cushion

What a brilliant end to the school year, Class 4 took part in wheelchair sports as part of promoting inclusivity in sports.  The children loved it!  I wanted to take this opportunity to wish the Year 5 children good luck as they continue the final part of their primary school journey and move to Class 5.  For the children remaining with me or making the step into Class 4, we are looking for to beginning a new adventure in September.

Once again, thank you to all the grown ups for their continued support this year. 

Have an amazing summer!


All the staff in Class 4 xxx

Week 5


Well done Class 4 for all your hard work so far this half term, and in your penultimate week.  This week we have focused on units of measure and converting ml - l, cm - mm, km - m, and vice versa.  This has been very tricky but with lots of hard work and perseverance that children did amazing. 

We are also just past midway on the novel Cogheart and excited to see how the story ends after the tragic death of Thaddeus.

Well done Class 4!

Evacuation Day for WWII History at St Pius - Brilliant day!

Week 1


What a brilliant start to our final half term!  Class 4 have begun reading Cogheart by Peter Bunzl, an epic novel of murder and mystery set in Victorian England about a Professor whose airship is attacked by silver eyed men, leaving a thirteen year old girl and her mechanimal fox to figure out the reasons why.

Meanwhile, in PE children developed their throwing skills in preparation for sports day, in particularly the shot put.

In Geography, we have begun to look at trade and how the UK trades around the world.  We played a trading game which the children loved as they had to trade with other groups (countries) to become the richest.

Well done Class 4!


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.