Week 7:
This week Class 5 were very lucky to have Father Brett in class with us to help us with our RE work on Vocation. He talked to us about his journey to becoming a priest and the calling he had felt from God and then talked to us about the sacrament of Ordination for a priest.
Week 6:
We have been comparing geographical locations this week by creating posters to demonstrate the different features of both polar regions. We then used Publisher to add details and imagery to our posters.
Week 5:
This week we completed our stunning paintings of the Aurora Borealis. The paintings looked absolutely incredible and showed a variety of different skills in combining different media for artistic effect.
Week 4:
In our Design and Technology unit we have been exploring how to create a pop-up book which we will create for our buddies to read in Class 1. Today we began looking at different styles of "folds" we could use to make our pop-up books work.
Week 3:
This week the children have been using their ICT skills and Google earth to request and find photos of different polar regions and then discussed key geographical features that they could see on the photo.
Week 2:
This week we have started to look at our first RE topic Loving. We started this by discussing what love meant to us and generating a bank of words and phrases which we felt meant love to us. We then used an online application to create a word image using our word bank.
Week 1:
This week in Class 5 we have begun studying the polar regions. We have studied different animals discovered in both the Arctic and Antarctic as well as the adaptations required for these animals to survive such extreme conditions.