
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Spring 2

Week 6

w.b: 04.04.2022

This week Class 4 have been perfecting their hockey skills. The aim was to pass to their team as many times as possible before the defender got the ball.

Week 5

w.b: 28.03.2022

This week Class 4 made spin wheels for the life cycle of a flowering plant, we finished the week with our weekly collective worship - this weeks theme was asking God for forgiveness. 

This week Class 4 held a debate on the topic 'Should deforestation be illegal?' There was a lot of interesting discussion that we can't wait to use in our balanced argument. 

Week 4

w.b: 21.03.2022

Week 3

w.b: 14.03.2022

This week the children in Y5 visited St Pius to participate in a science day.

We had a great time solving who had stolen the Bunsen burner! 

Week 2

w.b: 07.03.2022

West End in Schools visited us this week, Class 4 had a wonderful time!

Week 1

w.b: 28.02.2022

Class 4 had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day - it is lovely to see the children so enthusiastic about the books they are reading!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.