
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

Home Page

St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Class 1

Welcome and thank you for visiting the Class 1 page.

A special warm welcome to parents who have become part of our school community this academic year.


We know how keen you will all be to see what your children will be doing in school so we will do our best to keep this page updated and share work and pictures of your children’s learning journey.


Please find some key information including staff names, important days, current and future Cornerstones Topics.


Class Teacher: Mrs Murwisi

PPA Cover: Mrs Newell

Teaching Assistant:  Miss Salkeld and Mrs Griffiths



Spring Topic:The United Kingdom  (Inquiry Question: What is the United Kingdom?). The focus will be Geography.



General Things:


Children will be placed in appropriate Read Write Inc. (phonics) groups once assessments are completed. Spelling lists for children who are ready, will be sent home on Fridays. They will be stuck inside the orange spelling book. Help your child learn their spellings (get them to write the words down). Spelling tests will be held the following Friday.



Once the children have settled in, Homework will be set on Purple Mash on Wednesday and should be completed during the week. There will be a piece of Maths, writing and spellings each week.



Children will read a book in school with an adult. The same book will be sent home that week. This might be a picture book to start with. Please discuss the pictures or read the story with your child daily for about 5-10 mins discussing key characters, events and settings.



P.E is on Monday morning. Please make sure your child brings an appropriate P.E kit including a warm tracksuit and trainers/pumps - we will be outside as often as possible.



Weekly updates for each half term will be added under the relevant tabs below




Meet Class 1

Spring Term Home Learning Information(Updated W.B 1.03.21) 


We are sorry you cannot be at school at the moment but we will do our best to support  your  home learning.

As explained in the email from school, some work will be set on Purple Mash and some other resources and websites will also be used to support learning.  Our learning will be on Purple Mash. Please keep checking in your '2Dos' or 'Alerts' for updated tasks.


Keep an eye out for links to a folder with videos from me, PowerPoint lessons, tasks and Weekly Timetable/schedule  which will either  be sent via  email or set as 2Dos.



Any questions, please email me via Purple Mash.



Mrs Murwisi smiley

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.