Week 7
W/B: 14.12.20
This Monday, Class 2 had a fun-filled disco for our Christmas party together!
The children joined in lots of party games including pass-the-parcel, musical statues and charades.
We have had a wonderful week together, well done on your hard work this term Class 2!
Have a lovely Christmas and stay safe
Merry Christmas
Love Miss Garratt
Week 6
W/B: 07.12.20
This week, Class 2 took part in two Christmas activities to make our family's Christmas cards.
They created a beautiful angel using a paper plate, pipe cleaners, pens, pencils and glitter glue.
Class 2 also made a lovely Christmas scene.
Our Christmas card looks as if you are looking to a living room with a Christmas tree through a snowy window. This was created with paints, card, an ear bud to dab on our baubles and snowflake sequins.
What a wonderful week it has been so far!
Well done on creating wonderful Christmas artwork Class 2
Week 5
W/B: 30.11.20
This week, Class 2 created our own Christingles and discussed the meaning of the different parts; take a look at the videos below to see some of the children explaining what the parts of a Christingle represent.
We then took part in a Christingle Service as a class and enjoyed singing songs about the different parts of a Christingle and their meaning.
Class 2, also, created our Christmas Crafts this week which we have been for sale in St Helen's Christmas catalogue.
Well done on another wonderful week Class 2!
Week 4
W/B: 23.11.20
This Wednesday, Class 2 continued to answer our Science Enquiry Question:
How does it move?
We have previously tested different objects with wheels e.g. toy cars, bikes and scooters. Today, we introduced a wooden ramp.
Using a small, wheeled toy and a piece of wood to act as a ramp we investigated what happens to the vehicle when it goes up or down hill. We used a stopwatch to measure how long it takes to travel.
Class 2 made sure our experiment was a fair test and completed some great scientific work! Well done scientists
Week 3
W/B: 16.11.20
This week is Anti-Bullying Week and so, Class 2 learnt what the word bullying means and we learnt about our differences and what makes us special.
We discussed how important it is to respect each other and the things that make us all different.
We agreed that it doesn't matter what you look like, your likes, dislikes, talents or personality. Everyone is equal and special.
Well done on a fantastic week at school Class 2, keep up the hard work!
Week 2
W/B: 09.11.20
On Wednesday, Class 2 joined the rest of our school in showing our respects to soldiers that we have lost and we had a moment of silence as it was Remembrance Day.
We learnt what this means and the children created beautiful poppy wreaths to take home with them in order to remember this special day.
Well done on another fantastic week Class 2
Week 1
W/B: 02.11.20
What a talented class we are Class 2!
This Friday, Class 2 began our topic of Gymnastics in P.E and they showed great skill whilst we practised balancing.
We talked about 1 point balances, 2 point balances, 3 point balances, 4 and 5 point balances, and then, PATCH balances which use the core of your body.
Class 2 practised using different numbers of points to balance and then, we demonstrated our balancing skills and guessed how many points other children in our class were using.
Well done on two fantastic PE sessions and a great first week back Class 2!