
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 2

Week 3

Thank you to all those who attended our topic session on Wednesday afternoon we had great fun! We made spacecrafts, alien hats, pom pom aliens and space biscuits. We are all loving our "Moon Zoom" topic and we are learning so much. Next week we will be asking the question- "Who has been to the moon?".

Week 2

"Whatever Next!" by Jill Murphy has been our class book this week and the children have made some marvellous rockets with our new outdoor big blocks.

In maths we have been investigating part - part - whole addition.

On Thursday we read lots of stories for World Book Day and everybody looked great!

Week 1

We have had a very exciting start to our new topic “Moon Zoom” with an alien crash landing in our playground! The children had a great time collecting findings and predicting what has occurred. We have loved our story this week “The Way Back Home” and done some super story writing and describing alien characters. 

In maths we have investigated number bonds for each number 0-10 and found out all the different possibilities of making each number.

We had great fun flipping pancakes on Tuesday and went to church on Wednesday for our Ash Wednesday liturgy. We have been talking about what we could do during Lent and next week we will be making promise cards.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.