
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Summer 1

W/B: Monday 22nd May 2023

Week 6

Parent's Afternoon: Beach Collages

Class 2 were joined by parents and family members for an Art afternoon this Wednesday 24th May 2023. 


Everyone created beach collages which has helped to complete our Kapow Art Module on Landscapes using different media. 


The children showed great knowledge of colours, using different shades to create the landscape then we created textures on top by adding beach images we cut and painted, sand, cotton wool, sticks and other craft materials. 


Well done Class 2 on creating beautiful artwork and thank you to all the parents and family members that joined us for our Parent's Afternoon! smiley

W/B: Monday 15th May 2023

Week 5

PE: Throwing and Catching

This Monday, Class 2 completed another Throwing and Catching session in which the children worked on their over arm and underarm throws and position for throwing. Everyone practised throwing and catching in pairs, creating a larger distance each time they caught a beanbag.


Class 2 then played a game in teams in which they aimed for a ball in order to move it further away from their team. The team with the largest distance from the ball won.


Two particular children showed great skill this lesson and were our stars of PE.

Well done to our PE stars and to everyone for excellent effort in our PE session!

W/B: Monday 8th May 2023

Week 4

Art: Beach Textures

This Thursday, Class 2 completed a session on texture in art.


We looked at a variety of landscape artwork and identified different textures in the scenes. Then, we found appropriate materials to create different textures and applied appropriate textures to a well-known painting by Vincent Van Gogh.


Well done Class 2 on your beautiful beach-texture work!

W/B: Monday 1st May 2023

Week 3

The Day the Crayons Quit - Drama

The Day the Crayons Quit


This Thursday, we explored our story of the week 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. Then, we created a specific crayon’s head band and recorded the emotion our crayon felt on our headband.


We worked on expressing the emotion of our crayon character and we recalled the vocabulary from our text to speak as our character would. Class 2 got into the role of their characters very well and we had a wonderful drama session. 


Well done Class 2 on your hard work this week!

W/B: Monday 24th April 2023

Week 2

Computing: Coding Session 1

This Tuesday, Class 2 took part in our first computing session this term, focusing on the topic of Coding. 


We worked on understanding what instructions are, predicting what will happen when they're followed and understanding computer programs work by following instructions called code. 


We worked in pairs, one child acting as a robot and the other the programmer. The programmer directed the robot around Class 2 trying to avoid obstructions and give clear instructions. 


Instructions were then presented on the board as symbols and we acted out the instructions, moving on to understand that a coder writes instructions in code for the computer to follow, this is called the input. These instructions make our programs work, our programs are called the output.


Well done Class 2 on an excellent first computing session!

W/B: Monday 17th April 2023

Week 1

Moose's Visit to Class 2: How to use his equipment

This Friday, Class 2 had a session with Andrea, Malcolm and Moose the Newfoundland dog on his equipment. We watched Andrea put the different items on Moose and then followed steps to put it on, in small groups. 


Class 2 put on Moose's life jacket, dry robe and carting harness. 


This week, we have focused on features of Instructions in our whole class Literacy work. Next week, Class 2 is looking forward to writing instructions for another class in our school on how to use Moose's equipment. 


Well done Class 2 on a fantastic first week back at school!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.