Week 6
This week, children have studied a diary entry named Battle with Boudicca. Children have explored VIPERS skills throughout the week, developing further understanding of the text. Children have retrieved key information, explored unfamiliar vocabulary and made many links to history along the way (particularly Roman history studied in Class 3).
In Literacy, children have completed a diary entry from the perspective of a monk or a Viking. Children have shared their knowledge of the invasion of Lindisfarne and the impact that the pillage had on both Vikings and monks. Children have considered key punctuation and grammar such as commas, parenthesis and ambitious word choices.
In Maths, children have started to explore efficient multiplication. Children have used visual representations to solve problems.
In History, we have explored the many reasons for the Viking invasion, along with weaponry and armour that supported the warriors during battle. We also revisited significant people such as King Alfred the Great and how he was well known for defeating the Vikings in the South, forcing them to invade places in the North such as York.
Well done for your fantastic efforts this half term Class 4.
Week 5
This week, children have studied a text named The Life of a Miner. Children have explored VIPERS skills throughout the week, developing further understanding of the text. Children have retrieved key information, explored unfamiliar vocabulary and made many links to history along the way (particularly local history as Goldthorpe was a mining village).
In Literacy, children have explored the key features of a diary entry – in preparation for writing their very own diary from the perspective of a Viking or monk.
In Maths, children have continued to explore area. Children have emphasised key vocabulary and recapped efficient multiplication.
In Art, children have created an abstract piece of art when exploring tracing and symmetry.
In PE this week, children have continued to explore the key skills of hockey with Mr Burns.
Well done Class 4!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Week 4
This week, children have studied a text named The Day of the Fight. Children have explored VIPERS skills throughout the week, developing further understanding of the text. Children have retrieved key information, explored unfamiliar vocabulary and made many links to history along the way.
In Literacy, children have completed a narrative, including characterising speech based on the book The Wild Robot. Children have enjoyed exploring character speech, along with referring back to our novel from last half term.
In Maths, children have continued to explore perimeter. Children have mastered counting squares, addressed misconceptions such as counting corners, along with identifying missing lengths from rectilinear shapes.
In Art, children have further explored abstract art and how we can represent words in an abstract way.
In PE this week, children have explored the push pass in hockey with Mr Burns. Children have continued to implement prior skills from previous weeks, along with developing new techniques along the way.
In RE, children have further explored the Jubilee Year. Children have explored the meaning of a pilgrim of hope, along with designing a door of hope for our classroom.
Well done Class 4! You have all worked incredibly hard this week. Have a wonderful weekend.
Week 3
This week, children have studied a text named Beowulf and the Sea Hag. Children have explored VIPERS skills throughout the week, developing further understanding of the text.
In Literacy, children have started to plan a narrative, including characterising speech based on our class novel last half term – The Wild Robot.
In Maths, children have started to explore measure, specifically km, m and perimeter.
In Art, children have explored printing, using an array of resources to complete a unique pattern.
In Science this week, children have explored environmental changes such as global warming, flooding, deforestation and wild fires, along with the impact this could have on the many habitats of living things.
Well done! Have a fantastic weekend.
Week 2
This week, children have studied a text named The Sorceress and the Three Fairies. Children have made a prediction of what the text could be about, along with retrieving key information and inferring from the text. Children were also able to explain and summarise their understanding.
In Literacy, children have explored commas for clarification. Children have also planned a text including characterising speech, closely based on last half terms novel The Wild Robot.
In Maths, children have multiplied and divided by 10, 100 and 1000.
In Art, children have used charcoal to represent words in an abstract way. We talked about the meaning of the word abstract and what charcoal is made of.
In Science this week, children have started created a leaflet about vertebrates and invertebrates, accompanying this with wonderful illustrations. Children have also completed a classification key.
In PE, children have enjoyed playing hockey with Mr Burns. Children learnt about pointing and holding the stick, along with passing the ball with power.
Well done! Have a fantastic weekend.
Week 1
Well done class 4, for your fantastic efforts this week.
This week, children have studied a text called Chullachaqui, about a shape shifter living in the Amazon rainforest. Children have made a prediction of what the text could be about, along with retrieving key information and inferring from the text.
In Literacy, children have identified the key features of a narrative, including inverted commas for direct speech. Children have emphasised the importance of capital letters and new speaker, new line.
In Maths, children have multiplied by 10 and 100 this week. Children have explored changes in place value as numbers increase.
In Art, children have explored the flower of life, it’s meaning and how to draw one.
In History, children have learnt about significant people when the Vikings invaded Britain, specifically Alfred the Great.
In Science this week, children have started to explore our new topic of living things and their habitats. Children have studied varying ways in which animals can be grouped, emphasising the importance of scientific vocabulary such as vertebrate and invertebrate.
In PE, children have enjoyed playing team building games during OAA.
Well done! Have a wonderful weekend.