
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week beginning October 19th


This has obviously been a very unusual half term having had to close our Class 2 bubble twice! Thank you to all of the parents and carers who have supported the children in their home learning during these periods - we really can tell the difference.

Despite our closures we have still managed to get lots done and we are into a good routine now trying to catch up, especially in reading, writing and maths.


Please make sure you hear your child read - every day if possible. This is the biggest single thing you can do at home to support their learning at the moment. Remember book bags need to be returned to school on Monday, and the children will take home a new book on Tuesday.


Here are some photos of some of our work this half term.


Have a lovely half term and we look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday November 2nd.

Week beginning Monday 14th September

By now everyone should have got their Purple Mash logins. When you log in each morning, you will see that you have some alerts. Each day there will be a set of "to-dos" or tasks for you to do. Some of the to dos are quite quick, some of them will take a bit longer.

Each day there will be some reading, phonics or spelling, writing, maths and topic to do.

Make sure you save your work and click "hand-in" then Miss Newcombe and Mrs Armstrong will mark your work each evening. 

We're really looking forward to seeing all that you have done!


So that  you are not doing all of your learning on a screen, we've also planned a project for you which will help us with our history when we return to school next week.

Friday 11th September

We will be starting the Purple Mash work next week by which time everyone should have got updated log in details. So here is the work for today.

Enjoy your learning!

Thursday 10th September 2020


Here's your work for today! Click on the Year 1 or Year 2 link to open a PDF with phonics, spelling, reading and maths on.

Good Morning Everyone! 

Wednesday 11th September


We didn't expect to be doing home learning again so soon, but it's not for long.

We will be setting work on Purple Mash on Monday, where we will be able to see the work that you are doing. For today I have set you each a phonics task, a writing task and some maths to learn. You also have the sheets that you should have taken home yesterday which you can make a start on.


Please click on the link below which will tell you all you need to know!

Enjoy your learning!


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.