Week 6
During Holy Week we have watched Class 2's assembly all about Palm Sunday, took part in Stations of the Cross and then Class 1 performed a wonderful Last Supper assembly for the whole school and parents.
We have enjoyed many Easter crafts and our egg rolling competition. Well done to everyone who decorated an egg or an Easter bonnet- they were spectacular!
Have a very happy Easter π£
Week 5
This week we have been learning about what happened on Palm Sunday. We made palm leaves and acted out when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem and the people scattered them in front of him. We have also been thinking about how we can change during Lent and behave in the ways that Jesus wants us to. We all said how we could behave towards others.
Our class assembly on Thursday was brilliant! So many of you joined us to see just how much we have been learning during our space topic. I hope that you now can name all the planets in the solar systemπ
Week 4
This week in literacy we have been fact finders. We know that to find out information about a topic we can look at non-fiction books. We have been gathering information and using a planning sheet to prepare to write all about space next week. This will be a non- chronological report.
In maths we have been doing lots of addition and subtraction in different ways- using our heads and fingers, number lines and things to count out.
We have been busy making all the planets using papier-mâché- messy fun!
Week 3
Our book this week was "The Way Back Home" by Oliver Jeffers. The children made story maps which then helped to rewrite the story. We have some super writers in Class 1. We celebrated world Book Day on Friday. Everybody looked wonderful in their costumes! We visited the library in the afternoon for a story session. We had songs stories and book treasure hunt which was fantastic funπ Next week we will be looking at non-fiction books and finding out lots of space facts.
Week 2
We began this week very busily painting our own aliens and making ourselves into astronauts. Our classroom is looking really exciting with all our topic related work being displayed. Some children have been doing lots of the extra home learning activities and are finding out so many amazing facts about space. Well doneπ
On Wednesday our weather took us all by surprise as the big freeze came to Goldthorpe. I hope that everyone enjoyed the snow and managed to keep warm during our "snow days".
Week 1
A very strange thing happened in class 1 this week. A mysterious sound and flashing of lights occurred and when we went to investigate there was what seemed to be a crash site in our playground!!!! The children all looked for clues and came to the conclusion that an alien must have crash landed its spacecraft and then mended it in our playground before flying away home. We will be investigating this possibility further throughout our topic this term as we find out more about space. πππ½πΎπΎπ½ππ