Week 5
Parent's and Grandparent's afternoon was a great success. Amazing "space" models were produced and a great time was had by all.
Week 4
Mrs Wray has issued six pen licences in class 4 this week. This means that these children can write with a handwriting pen! They also received a certificate and had a special mention in our Celebration assembly.
However, the licence may be revoked at any time should their handwriting deteriorate...so beware the handwriting police will be patrolling!!
Week 3
In gymnastics class 4 have been working on improving their balances with tension and extension.
This afternoon some of the children are taking part in a Federation football tournament, this explains why not everyone is in correct P.E. kit.
Week 2
This week we have found our inner artist with some "Stargazer" art. The children chose what to create and in what medium: paint, pencil, chalk or oil pastel. Look at their amazing pictures.
Week 1
Happy New Year!
I am so proud of class 4 this week, fantastic behaviour on the class visit to Jodrell Bank and exemplary behaviour and effort in school. Class 4 were a credit to their families this week!