
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Class 2

Welcome to Class 2 at Sacred Heart!


Class Teachers

Mrs Miller (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday am) 

Mrs Levick (Wednesday pm, Thursday, Friday)

Support Staff

Mrs Hardman is our Class Teaching Assistant.

Mrs Thompson will teach one afternoon session each week (This day will vary).

Mrs Dickinson will support reading and the wider life within school.


We have put together some information which we hope will be useful for you over the coming year. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have; our door is always open.

Our class webpage is a place where we can share news, keep parents up to date with classroom routines and the curriculum as well as giving us the chance to celebrate our children's work in school. 


Class Two information and reminders-

  • Doors open 8.30am for children to start their morning tasks. 
  • Doors close at 8.40am for register and handwriting.
  • PE will be every Monday afternoon. Please no earrings, plasters are not permitted. Children will need PE kit in line with the school policy. The children will come home in their kits on Tuesdays so please ensure it is weather appropriate.
  • Children should now be encouraged to dress themselves and tie their own laces. This is something that will need to be practised at home.
  • All items of clothing and belongings must have names on so we can help locate them if they are lost.
  • Milk can be ordered on the cool milk website. Once this is ordered your child will receive milk the following week.
  • Lunch can be ordered on the school gateway app. This can be done in advance and meals can be selected for up to three weeks at a time. Choices must be made before 8am each day if choosing on a daily basis.
  • Reading books must be in school every day with book bags.
  • Our homework this term will focus on reading. We would like children to read at least three times a week at home. They will be awarded 30 credits for every time this is recorded in their reading diaries. We will record who has completed this homework and update their credits total at the end of every week.
  • Reading books are linked to their Read Write Inc group in school.
  • We do encourage our children to read for pleasure regardless of their ability. Please enjoy telling and reading stories or rhymes of your choice at home. This really does help the children's vocabulary and imagination.
  • Year 2 children will have an additional spelling homework. Each Wednesday they will come home with a yellow spelling book where they need to practise the words. More information will be given in the booklets.
  • TT rockstars will be used to improve your child’s timetable knowledge this year. It is important that your child can log on to this independently with their user name and password.
  • Please could all children bring a water bottle to school each day.

Useful websites/apps:

Milk Orders-

School Gateway-

TT Rockstar’s- This develops children’s fluency within multiplication and division

Recommended Apps/sites for children-

Teach your monster to read, alphablocks, numberblocks

If you have any further recommendations for apps, please do let us know.


Days to remember in summary:




Y2 Spelling homework will come home.


Parents to check the website for updates and to see what we have been up to that week

Credits for homework, attendance, behaviour and achievements will be recorded in school.





Book bags and water bottles to come to school.

Reading Homework (Minimum of 3 times per week) Record in diaries.

Books will be changed each week.  TT Rockstars

I our first Autumn Term we will learn...


Improving handwriting, letter formation and size. Sitting letters correctly on the lines.

Capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Orally composing a sentences and writing it down using fred fingers and special friends to improve spellings.



The Great Plague 1665


Forces - pushes and pulls


Families/Belonging to different groups.


Drawing, clay, shading.


We are created by God.

Our bodies and health.


Fundamental skills- travelling, balancing, jumping, hopping, skipping


Plague song, harvest songs


Keeping safe online.

Exploring purple mash.

Maze explorers.


We would love to see any home learning you choose to do linked to our learning!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.