Summary of what we Did in Class- Week Beginning Monday 1st February.
Well well! Another snow day!!!! That is the second one this month!!! We can't remember what a full week feels like anymore!
In Maths we looked further into percentages. We looked at finding 'think of a number' questions such as : I am thinking of a number- 30 % of the number of 10. What is the number? We extended this into more challenging questions such as :I have used 300 minutes of calls on my phone. This is 60% of my monthly free call allowance. How many minutes of free calls do I get each month?
In Literacy we looked at modal verbs.We now know that modal verbs have lots of uses. They can be used to:
• to ask permission.
• to make offers and requests.
• to make questions by possibility or probability.
• to express obligation or advice.
• to talk about habits and ability.
We also looked at how we can use a range of literacy devices to 'paint with words':
-A range of different sentence types: fronted adverbials, embedded clauses, short, punchy statements and longer descriptions etc.);
-Different and more advanced punctuation devices to make my writing more interesting and to create a range of suitable pauses and stops: Colons, semi-colons, ellipses etc;
-More adventurous words (such as terracotta, passionately, cushioning);
-Adverbs and adverbials to add detail to my verbs.
In PSHE we looked further into the role of Central Government in our work on Democracy.We explored how the Government works:
■ The role of central government
■ The role of local government
■ What happens in Parliament
■ How they can participate in our democracy
In 'Come and See' we looked further into the bible. This week, we looked at different types of texts in the bible.
Well done to the children who won a certificate for their exceptional home learning! We are proud of all of you!
To the children at home from Mr Redfern:
It has been a strange time for me. I shared a few days with you before Christmas and had lots of chats with Mr Flanagan and Mrs Thompson to get ready to work with you and then Lockdown happens!
It is a shame because I was really looking forward to being with all of you every day, after all the lovely things Mr Flanagan and Mrs Thompson told me about you all! But never mind. Everyone’s safety and well-being is the most important thing.
Thank you so much to every child (and adult!) who has got stuck in to Home Learning! Every week the amount of submissions gets greater and greater which shows that there is lots of brilliant effort going on! We also know that many children have had to deal with issues such as connections, devices that can’t access the work sent home etc etc. But you have still got on and tried your very best, which is fantastic!
I have to say a big thank you to Max, Billy, Sophie, Harriet, Taylor, Rylee and Emma who have all shared time in school. We have been working hard in school but also having lots of fun and laughter! And every one of the children has been amazing in our little mini-class!
Both Mrs Thompson and myself are looking forward to the day when you can all return to school and continue your studies ready for moving on to secondary school. In the meantime stay safe, be good, work hard and be nice to those who love you!
Summary of what we did in school-Week beginning Monday 25th January.
Well, who'd have thought it? The staff came into school on Monday as usual ready for the day and the classrooms were like ice blocks! The Year 5 classroom was particularly cold! It turned out that there was a problem with the heating which couldn't be fixed in time, so we all had to go home! Oh well! The children who come into classroom would have upset about not being in school that day, but I'm sure they would have got over their upset somehow!
In Maths, we consolidated our work on fractions before moving into comparing fractions and percentages. We found out how to calculate percentages of quantities when the value of the whole is known.We also found out how to convert a percentage to a fraction (with other denominators than 100) and then to decimals.
In Literacy, we had a go at writing our own stories, with beginnings (who, when, where, why) middles and endings. We built up characters and looked at some of the techniques of story writing, such as suggesting facts(not stating them), building up characters by showing their feelings at key parts and finishing with a strong conclusion.
In ICT we started to build up our database information. Next week we will be putting our information into a computer database so we have to be ready with our facts!
In Geography we are looking at comparing two contrasting locations, so we started to compare Australia and England. We will continue with this next week.
In Collective Worship we looked at the poem 'Footprints'. We loved how it shows that at the times we need God most he carries us! We then read from the bible:
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
We asked the children to think about taking the time to show appreciation to those around them who are there for them and say thank you.This includes saying thank you to God. We invited the children to join in with the following prayer:
Our Father,
Thank you for always being there, especially through the bad times. We all can benefit from your strength and support and we know that you always listen.
Layla and Harriet won the certificates, so well done to you two!
Well done and thank you to all the children who are busy doing their learning at home! Of the 23 pieces of work presented for home learning this week, at least two children did every one! That is amazing. But well done to every child (and family members who help out) for any work you gave in!
A summary of what we did in class- Week beginning Monday 18th January
Last week in Maths, we learnt all about using lowest common denominators, as well as highest common factors, to solve fraction problems. We learnt that, to com[pare two or more fractions, we must first of all ensure that the denominator is equal.