
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Week Beginning 25.01.2021

Keep up the hard work!

I have attached a short audio clip this Friday to say thank you for your hard work and lovely photos sent in this week. Have a lovely weekend!

Here is today's planning. Today, children have a SPAG activity, Literacy, Reading, Maths, Science and Art to complete, accompanied by interactive tasks on Purple Mash. If children finish today's tasks, additional learning resources can be found on the Class 3 page in the Remote Learning folder, under Additional Learning Resources.

Here is today's planning. Today, children have a SPAG activity, Literacy, Guided Reading, Maths and Geography to complete, accompanied by interactive tasks on Purple Mash. If children finish today's tasks, additional learning resources can be found on the Class 3 page in the Remote Learning folder, under Additional Learning Resources. Keep up the hard work!

Here is today's planning. Today, children have a SPAG activity, Literacy, Guided Reading, Maths and a Well-being Wednesday activity to complete, accompanied by interactive tasks on Purple Mash. If children finish today's tasks, additional learning resources can be found on the Class 3 page in the Remote Learning folder, under Additional Learning Resources. Have a great day!

Here is today's planning. Today, children have a SPAG activity, Literacy, Guided Reading, Maths, PSHE and PE lesson to complete, accompanied by interactive tasks on Purple Mash. If children finish today's tasks, additional learning resources can be found on the Class 3 page in the Remote Learning folder, under Additional Learning Resources.

Here is today's planning. Today, children have a SPAG activity, Literacy, Reading, Spelling, Maths and RE lesson to complete, accompanied by interactive tasks on Purple Mash. If children finish today's tasks, additional learning resources can be found on the Class 3 page in the Remote Learning folder, under Additional Learning Resources.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.