
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Week Beginning 01.02.2021

Good morning Superheroes, can you believe it's Friday already?  I hope you are continuing to enjoy the Gingerbread Man activities.  I know lots of you have been learning the shape songs and have been on some incredible shape hunts around your house, so well done!  Today we will be continuing with our Geography learning with one of my favourite stories.  I'm sure you'll enjoy it too.  I look forward to seeing all your learning coming in today.  Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.

Wednesday is here again  Don't forget that means that it is well-being Wednesday so no screens this afternoon. Next week it will be Chinese New Year. We have suggested some fun activities for you. Have a lovely day x

What a snowy surprise!surprise  So everyone will be doing their learning from home today as it isn't safe on the roads.  I will be on Purple Mash throughout the morning if you need any help or support with your learning.  Make sure you make some time in the day to have some fun in the snow too.  I look forward to seeing some pictures later. 

Hello Superheroes, I hope you have enjoyed a lovely weekend with your family.  I can not quite believe that we are starting our 5th week of home learning. You are all working so incredibly hard and I am very proud of you all.  I am missing you all so much, and I can't wait until we are all back together in Nursery.  This week we will continue with our Gingerbread Man story and begin to learn about some new shapes in our daily Maths sessions.  I look forward to seeing all of your amazing work so please continue to send in your photographs and pictures via Purple Mash.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.