Welcome to Class 1
Welcome to Class 1's website page. We are a mixed aged class that consists of foundation stage 2 children and Year 1 children. We are always very busy in Class 1 learning lots of new things. Please visit our term pages to see what Class 1 have been learning each week.
The teacher in Class 1 is Mrs Tordoff (Assistant Head of School).
Support staff in Class 1:
Mrs Cowling
Miss Hughes
Mr Lee (Wednesday)
Mrs Moore - (Wednesday morning / Thursday afternoon)
We do PE every Wednesday. Children are expected to bring their PE kits every week. We encourage the children to develop their independent skills at getting themselves ready for PE. PE kit should be a white t-shirt and black shorts or joggers. Earrings must be removed for PE.
Book bags must be in school EVERY day.
Please check your child's book bag everyday as reading books will go home with children on different days, depending on their phonics group. Letters from school will also be sent home in your child's book bag.
A water bottle should be brought to school every day (water only please). A sunhat will be required during hot weather and sun-cream applied before school.
Children will bring home two reading books each week for you to read at home. Please record all reading at home in their yellow reading record.
Library Books
Children will bring home a new library book once a week for you to enjoy as a bedtime story. Children are not expected to read these books themselves, they are to enjoy with an adult.
Year 1
Homework books are due in on Wednesdays. They will be marked and returned to your child by Friday. Children are expected to write at least two sentences about their weekend and draw a picture.
Read, Write Inc. QR codes
Children will receive QR codes for the sounds they are learning in their reading records. Scan the QR code with a QR code scanning app and it will take you to your child's phonics lesson.