Week ending 28th May 2021
This week was all about irreversible changes of materials. The chemical changes result in a new material being produced. In the videos the children add bicarbonate of soda to white vinegar and the new material produced is carbon dioxide which spreads and fills the balloon.
Sport Stars of the Week
Fantastic team effort in a Tag Rugby game, great defending, passing and attacking.
Week ending Friday 15th May 2021
Sport Stars of the Week
Tag rugby stars this week are a shining example to others.
Week ending Friday 7th May 2021
In topic this week, Class 4 have been learning all about Theodor Seuss Geisel, otherwise known as Dr. Seuss. After researching his life, the children made a graphic "comic" book biography. There is a boom in graphic "comic book" biography sales according to a report in the Guardian so we decided to follow this trend.
Sport Stars of the Week
Golden Book
This week's Golden Book awards are for enthusiastic learners. Well done, it was difficult to choose this week!
Week ending Friday 30th April 2021
Finished Brian Wildsmith Biographies - they are simply amazing!
We are so happy to be back in school this week after the bubble closure last week! Fantastic work from Class 4 home learners.
This week, we are making progress with our new topic which is Art based: Create a World of Your Own. It is based around the illustrations of Brian Wildsmith and Dr. Seuss.
After researching and creating a biography of Brian Wildsmith, the children have been busy creating a "World in which to present their book". The drawings suggest amazing finished pieces to come.
Sport Stars of the Week