
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Spring 1

Week 7 (WC 14.02.22)

In literacy this week we have begun planning a formal letter of complaint  to 'Rambashi' who is a character in our book 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. We have also started a Design Technology project all  about packaging and we plan to design and create a package for a firework. 

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Still image for this video

Week 6 (WC 7.2.22)

In Maths this week we have been working hard multiplying numbers and using counters to help with place value. In science we have continued to make observations of our plants which now have a large root system and at least four leaves. We have also been busy learning all about 'Human Geography' and we have created these amazing sketches of the Eiffel Tower in  Paris. 


Week 5 (WC 31.1.22)

This week we have planned and carried out an experiment to investigate the way in which water is transported within plants. We learnt that the roots absorb the water and this goes into the stem of the plant and up into the leaves. We also created these amazing oil pastel volcano pictures in art. Well done everyone!

Week 4 (WC 24.1.22)


Week 3 WC (17.1.22)

This week we have begun using atlases to support our learning about Europe.  We have identified and located the continents of the world, the world’s oceans, the equator, the North and South poles and different countries in Europe. Well done class 3!

Week 2 (WC 10.1.22)

In science this week we have been learning all about seeds. In order to see germination in action we have sowed some broad bean seeds and we are going to observe what happens over the next few weeks. We will be looking carefully at the root system of the plant to see what its function is. 

Week 1 (WC 5.1.22)

Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to class 3! We have been very busy this week getting ready for our new geography topic about Europe. Also, we have started a new writing unit which is about poems. We have been reading a range of poems and performing these in class and next week we will start drafting our own poems about Volcanoes. What a great start to 2022!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.