What a fabulous way to end the topic, the week and our first half term in Class 1. Thank you to all the parents and Grandparents who joined us for our fun-filled afternoon on Friday. Our "Express" section of our topic was a parent session where everybody took part in activities. Biscuit decorating, colouring together, writing captions for photos, matching smiles to eyes and making a "friendship quilt". It was so lovely to share our learning with our grown ups. Have a lovely holiday week and get ready for our next topic "Will you read me a story?" Don't forget our first library visit on Thursday 3rd November😃
Our first class assembly. We were all brilliant! Here are some photos of our Class 1 friendships 😃
We used jelly babies to show what friendship looks like. Some lovely ideas and conversations took place during this activity. This was the "Innovate" section of our learning in our Cornerstones topic this term. We all know what it is that makes us good friends and how to be a good friend to others.
In Literacy last week we read the story of "The Lion and the Mouse". It is all about how we can help people and be a good friend. We made stick puppets and then re-told the story in groups.
Our topic "Do you want to be friends?" has made us think about what it means to be friends. We have drawn pictures of our friends, made hearts for each other and made a handprint friendship circle. We are trying hard to be kind to everyone and make people happy by being a good friend.
"Do you want to be friends?"
In Maths we have been using money and measuring. We are beginning to recognise different coins and add 2 coins together. We have compared lengths and heights and used rulers and cubes for measuring.