End of term!
What a lovely way to end our year. Lollies in the woodland!
It has been a very challenging year in so many ways, but the children have worked really hard and grown, not just in their learning and attainment, but in their resilience, emotional and social skills. We are very proud of them. They have been a wonderful group of children and we will miss the Year 2s who are moving up to Class 3.
Well done everyone and have a lovely summer holidays!
Week 1
Miss Mason has returned from Maternity Leave this week. She has enjoyed getting to know the children who are new to her and catching up with some familiar faces! :)
This week we have enjoyed recreating Kandinsky's 'Squares with Concentric Circles'. All of our artwork has been displayed in our classroom, it makes us feel proud to see it on the walls. It has brightened up our classroom beautifully!
Week 2
We had an arty afternoon on Monday and created some 'Glue Resist Pictures'. We used large pieces of black paper and swirled PVA glue all over it to create some random shapes. Once this has dried, we used chalk to fill in the shapes with a variety of colours. We had to smudge and blend the chalk to fill the shapes.
We also transferred the skills we used during this concept by created 'Oil Resist Pictures'. We used a white oil pastel to draw shapes onto white paper, we then used watercolour paints in stripes to show where the oil pastel was. We got some beautiful results in our sketch books!