
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 1

Week 5

We have had a wonderful visit to Cannon Hall this week as a part of our Queen Victoria topic. We were Victorian servants for the day. We did the laundry, made lavender bags, created butter from cream and we worked really hard in the kitchen creating soup, bread, apple crumble and sugar mice. 

At the end of all our activities we sat down in the servants hall to eat the lunch we had created. Delicious!  Enjoy the photos. 

Week 4

We had the most amazing Art session this week! We continued to develop our exploration of line by experimenting with creating a variety of wavy lines. We worked collaboratively in small groups to create HUGE ocean inspired pictures. We really enjoyed this activity and worked so well together as teams. Our creations were inspired by the work of Zaria Forman, an artist who is known for beautiful ocean artwork, inspired by childhood trips through the Arctic and other remote, isolated lands.

We used a variety of different media to create our projects, experimenting with how they could create different lines. We used words such as thick, thin, broken, flowing, hard, soft to describe the lines we were making.

Week 3

The Year 2s are reading Grandad's Island in literacy. 

We have been developing our vocabulary in lots of ways, but today we thought about the conversations Grandad and Syd might have been having. We the acted these out in role play with a narrator. 

Week 2

We have started our new series of art lesson this week and we began with making abstract compositions. We cut out a variety of coloured circles. We then had a go at moving them around to create different compositions. When we were happy with out design, we stuck it into our sketchbooks. 

Week 1

This week we have started our new history topic on Queen Victoria. We have all really enjoyed learning some basic facts about her life. We have started planning a report so we can share our learning. 

Please find attached our Medium Term Plan for Spring 1.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.