
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring 2

Week Beginning 29.03.21

Credit Shop- The children enjoyed exchanging their credits for treats at the shop as a reward for all their hard work and good behaviour!

Week Beginning 22.03.21

Mass with Father Declan

Dragons in the City- Speaking and listening activities linked to the story.

Week Beginning 15.03.21

St. Patrick's Day

Writing Instructions - Inspired by the book 'Instructions' By Neil Gaiman

Week Beginning 08.03.21

A huge welcome back to all of you! It has been a wonderful start to the week and has been so lovely to see everyone back where they belong. Everyone has settled in really well and has worked really hard. We cannot praise the children enough for their resilience and enthusiasm.


We started the week catching up with friends, sharing stories and playing together in the playground. We had a circle time remembering rules and expectations to ensure we continue to make the right choices.


PE was a little different as Mr Johnson taught us via Zoom to ensure we were all kept safe. We were still able to warm up our bodies, practice travelling safely and improve our throwing and catching skills. We had lots if fun.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.