
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

Summer 2

It's the last half  term already!  Only 6 weeks to go until the end of the year - how did that happen?!  Every week our page will be updated with all the things we have been busy with in school. Did you see all our fabulous achievements in Summer 1?


A few points to note this half term....


  • PE will be every Tuesday afternoon for all C2 children. Full weather appropriate PE kit including trainers needed. Please no earrings on this day. 
  • Our annual summer fayre is on Thursday 13th July at 3pm-4pm.
  • Sports Day is on Tuesday 4th July.
  • All items of clothing and belongings must have names on so we can help locate them if they are lost.
  • Reading books must be in school every day. We encourage children to read at least three times a week at home. They will be awarded extra credits if there are three adult signatures in their diary each week.
  • Reading books are linked to their Read Write Inc group in school unless they have completed the  program and then they will have a book suited to their individual need.
  • The children will continue to be set some homework tasks every Wednesday which will support their learning in school. We will put a sticker in their homework books if it is Purple Mash homework that week.
  • Children need to bring a water bottle to school each day. Water only please.
  • Check the class page each week, this can be saved as a shortcut on phones and tablets for easy access. Children really do enjoy talking about the pictures and videos we upload each week.
  • If you require any additional support with anything we do in class please do come and see us.

Summer 2 Medium Term Plan

Summer 2 Week 5

Moving Monsters in DT


In Design Technology, we designed and made our own moving monsters using split pins to create moving parts.  We loved colouring them in and making them 'attack' our friends' monsters.

We loved our transition days, we read the story 'Our Class is a Family' and made promise friendship bracelets to remind us that we are kind, caring, respectful, supportive and honest in our new families.

Summer 2 Week 4

RSPB Old Moor- We had a fantastic day exploring the minibeasts in the nature reserve.

What a fabulous sports day we had! Well done to everyone who took part even the Mums and Dads!

Summer 2, Week 3

A fab, busy and fun-filled day at the EIS

This week we have been preparing for a very special assembly. Don't forget Tuesday 18th June we will be sharing some of our learning and favourite songs from the year.

Marvellous Maths in Group 1


Today in maths, we have worked in pairs and have used base 10 to represent and compare numbers.  We worked really hard!

RE - Learning about neighbours in other countries


We started our new topic in Religious Education today - Neighbours/Our World.  We explored the meaning of the word 'neighbour' and how we don't have to live next door to someone to be a neighbour.  We looked at the work of CAFOD The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) and read a story called Beatrice's Goat.  The children learnt how lucky they were to be able to come to school and that other children aren't as privilaged as us.


Summer 2, week 2

Creative writers

In our literacy group we have been creative writers this week and last! We have been using super similies , amazing adjectives and awesome alliteration to make our writing interesting. We have been learning how to expand noun phrases with lots of new vocabulary. We learnt a fun song too.

The Expanded Noun Phrase Song

Here is our song about expanded noun phrases using adjectives before the noun and prepositions after the noun.

Summer 2, week 1

Coding in Computing


We have started our new topic in computing this week.  We have used algorithms to create our own airport.  We designed our own airport then created algorithms for planes taking off, landing and even crashing!  We really enjoyed it!

Magic Music!


We have started our new music topic this week - Reflect, Rewind and Relax!  A perfect topic for this hot summer weather! We listened to the first piece of music, Anitra's Dance by Edvard Grieg this afternoon.  It was calm and relaxing and we sat quietly with our eyes closed and identified the different instruments.  We decided that it was mainly string instruments.  We discussed how the music made us feel and what it reminded us of and a few children said Harry Potter, Mrs Goddard said Ballet dancing and Mrs Levick thought about the wizard from Fantasia.  We could all then visualise little wizards dancing around splashing colours all over the place!  All from a song! Magic!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.